I'd Give Anything
I long for so much in this world
So many things, things untold
But right now I'd give anything,
I'd give up everything for just one thing
I'd give anything
- to see the love in your face
- to feel the warmth of your embrace
- to share a secret and a memory
...Just one more time
I'd give anything
- to have known you more
- to have opened for you one more door
But more than anything
I want to hear your voice and hear you laugh
Just one more time, that's all I ask.
Just one more time.
It's so comforting to know we'll meet again
But not comforting enough
It's so warming to know you're in a better place,
But not warming enough
Will the pain ever go away?
I wish it all would end.
But I never want to lose the memories.
Jehaan Mathew
May, 1999
So many things, things untold
But right now I'd give anything,
I'd give up everything for just one thing
I'd give anything
- to see the love in your face
- to feel the warmth of your embrace
- to share a secret and a memory
...Just one more time
I'd give anything
- to have known you more
- to have opened for you one more door
But more than anything
I want to hear your voice and hear you laugh
Just one more time, that's all I ask.
Just one more time.
It's so comforting to know we'll meet again
But not comforting enough
It's so warming to know you're in a better place,
But not warming enough
Will the pain ever go away?
I wish it all would end.
But I never want to lose the memories.
Jehaan Mathew
May, 1999