Let not my tears fall unseen.
My soul is without life,
And my life is without soul.
Restore me, Lord;
Strengthen my steps before me.
My weeping has not been heard, and falls silently
On my breast, heaving and sobbing
Into the day and night.
Lord, lean into me with your strong embrace.
Do not let my cries go silently by.
I call to you as in days gone by,
Days before my time of sorrow. Lord,
You are my rock and my strong fortress.
In you I seek comfort and peace,
A balm for my aching heart and my still soul.
Lord, I weep for the dashed dreams and the hopes now gone,
For the lost friendship and the silenced laughs.
You alone, Lord, can restore me and strengthen me.
Lord, to you alone do I cast my cares, and in faith I trust,
In your eternal loving kindness.
SRB, 5-18-1999