The Valley
Daybreak comes afresh, washing silently over burning eyes, and
Early morning thoughts, as yesterday and each day before that,
Arrive to remind me of the reality of this pain, a
Reality that calls to me, calls to me thus -
Early morning thoughts, as yesterday and each day before that,
Arrive to remind me of the reality of this pain, a
Reality that calls to me, calls to me thus -
"Missy, beloved of many and a true lover of life
(O how I do love you, daughter dear!),
Gone, gone from this earth."
Inarticulate thoughts, disarticulate thoughts ache, not believing.
"She'll be back, right?" I shout to the air in vain,
Saying it again and again and again, the words falling as quiet rain,
I must listen in that moment
for one voice only,
one voice thus -
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I will
fear no evil for
Thou art with me."
SRB, 1-22-2000