Sadness in the Air
Sadness hangs in the air
Shared with thoughts
Of our Missy, our dear Missy,
Whose memory remains fixed
On that day as we fearfully
Tread gently back, back to retrieve
The sweetness of that life
Which brought joy, oh such joy,
With each day, with each laugh,
Each melody pure.
Shared with thoughts
Of our Missy, our dear Missy,
Whose memory remains fixed
On that day as we fearfully
Tread gently back, back to retrieve
The sweetness of that life
Which brought joy, oh such joy,
With each day, with each laugh,
Each melody pure.
And yet the mystery of the Cross
Brings us safely over unknown waters,
Faith is tested beyond the edge of reason
Beyond a precipice no human
Can in the wildest of dreams
Imagine still living through and
The faith, oh the faith, the sweet, sweet faith
Carries us when we cannot walk
To a point where joy and song and
Sadness blend to become our new
Selves with celestial thoughts common,
And where Missy-thoughts and
The peace of our Savior are one.
August, 2000