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May 7th 2003 at 03:48:39 PM
from Farmingdale,New Jersey.

First of all I would like to say what a great website you have put together. Your daughter was very beautifull.My sister who was 27,Angela,just passed away on March 31. I 14, and me and my sister were inseperateble.I loved her so much. Now that she is gone it is really hard to tell people how I feel because she was the one who I went to for emotional support. And now she is gone and a huge hcunk of my heart went with her. She was not only my sister, she was my bestfriend,and she was a piece of my heart.I will never get over her death...i just try to get through each day.I do have another sister she is 31. She is more of the mother-figure mom, so I dont really think of her as a friend, and I am not as close with her as I was with Angela.Each day I think about her, and i miss her more and more. I realize what a big piece of my heart is missing and is never coming back and then I just cry.I cry alot, which is alright but the tears will never compare to the pain inside.It's like a disease that kills you inside,and never goes away,and hurts everyday and there is nothing you can do about it.I have my mother and my sister now,but my father died 15 days after my 2nd birthday so I have never had a male figure around me either.Even though I didn't know him It still hurts. Angel is burried on the left side of my dad. The graveyard is right down the road, i spend alot of time there;crying. Its like having a wound when im not there d then it opens when I get there.I have been through alot, I go to church, but i do have a rough life here at home.But God has let me make the best of it,while attending church every wednesday and occasionally sundays. But I will always miss my sister and my heart will always ache, and I will cry everyday and in the end I'm still living.I am really sorry for your loss, and I do know how it feels to deal with such a pain,and i have and am going through tough things each day. Each day is a constant struggle for everybody.

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