June 26 2000 Jennifer Mueller from Commerce Township, MI MissJen2i@aol.com I stumbled across this page truly by accident at first but such a sweetly composed life story of such a beautiful young girl (not much younger than myself) could not be passed by. You have done a wonderful job displaying the wonderful photographs and memories of your Missy. I already feel as if though she were a friend of mine too. Love and Best Wishes- Jennifer PS: I wanted to say thank you for creating this page. Not only does Missy shed a happy tear every time she sees it- but I will shed one too- each time I think of it. I lost a friend of mine when I was very young. I never really knew what sickness overtook his fragile body at such a young age (we were about five years old). My parents never did tell me what sickness overcame him to take him up to heaven- but oddly enough it was enough closure for me to understand that he was very sick and needed to go up to Jesus- who could take care of him. At the age of five you don't need many more reasons than that. To this day I still think and wonder of him. He was my best friend- and funny enough- the last thing I remember helping him do was clean his room so that it would look nice for when his grandmother came for a visit. He passed away during his grandmother's visit- but she did admire how clean his room was- which made him proud. Sometimes it is the little things that mean the most. |