Delete Confirmation

May 7 2000
Kristen Chen
from San Jose

Dear Dr. Belton, Today is the first time I have seen Missy's web-site. I had a miscarriage last October, and you performed my surgery. I remember being wheeled into surgery and feeling so alone, knowing I was saying goodbye to my baby. I began to cry and then you came up to me and touched me and waited with me. I felt so safe knowing you would be taking care of me and I was so comforted by the compassion that I saw in your eyes. I had no idea that you had recently lost your own daughter. I am so sorry. She is so beautiful. I have to believe that my unborn child is in heaven, and that maybe your Missy is taking care of her, too. Thank you so much for sharing her life. Thank you so much for sharing her life. Sincerely, Kristen

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